AI and the Future of Work
Hosted by Ramy Nassar of 1000 Days Out
Dates: September 28th - October 7th
Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 am -11 am
The retail cost of this program is $1,500 +HST.
**Eligible DNS Members can access WIPSI funding through DNS to cover 50-100% of the cost of this program. Please check our programs page to read more about funding eligibility and how to apply.
Course Description:
This highly interactive and engaging online workshop series will introduce participants to how AI, machine learning and system automation are changing the workforce and hiring landscapes. The session will go beyond theory, helping participants to build a robust framework and toolkit that will help inform and influence organizational strategies around the future of work.
This workshop will challenge participants to apply what they learn to their teams/organization. Using a range of modern tools (virtual breakout group discussions, shared interactive whiteboards, and group polling/voting mechanics), these sessions will create engagement and offer participants valuable peer-to-peer network building opportunities over the span of 6 weeks.
All participants will get a daily wrap-up as well as direct access to a custom post-workshop toolkit with all tools, templates, and frameworks that were introduced in that working session.
This 2 week course will cover:
Leveraging AI to disrupt & transform your workplace
- How leaders can think about AI through a product mindset lens
- Specific strategies and tools for uncovering AI opportunities, ideation methods, and prototyping / customer validation
- The Importance of having a user-centric approach to working with AI
AI through an employee and HR perspective
- Understanding the impacts to employees, talent strategies, and change management practices as AI and automation become more common
- How can organizations adapt and better leverage technology
Foundations of machine learning, AI, and deep learning
- The importance of working with data and the differences between structured vs. unstructured data
- How to begin building an internal data strategy, introducing data lakes, and other tools.
- Machine learning - Supervised & unsupervised learning
- AI & deep learning - Where technology is headed and how leaders can keep up with trends
Building organizational buy-in for investments into AI & machine learning
- Focused roundtables looking at specific strategies, organizational accountability, and best practices
- Formulating a business case and articulating the ROI of AI initiatives & investments
Responsible use of AI & machine learning
- The role of bias when working with data
- Practical frameworks for ethical use of AI and other types of automation
This course is designed for:
This session is suitable for employees of small-medium businesses, enterprise, and government organizations that are examining how AI and automation will impact their medium- and long-term talent strategies.
Delivery Method
The workshop is highly interactive and will challenge all participants to engage with peers in every session. The program is comprised of delivered content, interactive exercises, and peer-to-peer roundtable discussions to share best practices.
Further, there are two guest speakers:
Speaker 1: Jordan Ostapchuk, VP of innovation at Omers. Jordan has an incredible perspective on how AI is impacting leaders across every sector, and why it’s so important to have these conversations now.
Speaker 2: Susan Bartlett, Former CEO of Bridgeable, which is one of the top Service Design companies in Canada, focusing on the human impacts of AI.
Online Course Schedule:
This course will consist of four workshops in weeks 1 and 2, and peer-to-peer sessions scheduled after the workshops. The workshops will take 2 hours each and will include group breakout sessions & exercises to complete. The 2 Peer-to-peer Community of Practice Sessions will take 90 minutes each and be scheduled by instructor and students after the first 4 workshops.
Week 1
The first 2 workshops will cover:
- Introduction to AI, machine learning, and automation
- How emerging technologies are shaping the future of work
- Peer insight roundtable #1 – challenges and barriers being faced
- Guest presenter #1 – how AI has already disrupted talent, hiring and overall workforce strategies
- Uncovering the most common challenges and reframing as opportunities
- Challenge #1 – introducing the Future of Work Canvas framework/tool
After the workshop has been completed, participants will be encouraged to build out a Future of Work Canvas and apply it to their own team/organization. This is to ensure that what is being taught can be translated to the participants own work projects. The workshop facilitator will be available to support participants through this process, as required.
Week 2
The 3rd and 4th workshops will cover:
- Building a robust future-of-work strategy
- Bringing AI and machine learning into the talent and hiring process
- Guest presenter #2 – example of a scalable and future-proof strategy around AI and automation
- How to work with third-party vendors & partners as it relates to AI, machine learning and
- automation platforms that impact talent and hiring (e.g. “smart” candidate screening tools)
- Challenge #2 – creating organizational support for the strategy and moving towards
- Implementation
Week 4 & 6 (scheduled by students and instructor)
The peer-to-peer Community of Practice sessions will cover:
- Following the training workshops, participants will be welcome to facilitated peer-to-peer sessions that specifically focus on the challenges faced when going from training to implementation
- Each session will be based on 3 small-group roundtable discussions based on specific propositions or provocations
- The objective of these sessions is to mobilize a peer-to-peer support network to help share best practices with respect to overcoming real-world obstacles related to AI, machine learning and automation in the labour force
About the Instructor:
Ramy Nassar - President, Co-Founder, 1000 Days Out
Ramy is a Canadian engineer, designer and author. Ramy leads a digital studio called 1000 Days Out that helps organizations leverage emerging technology to transform customer experiences. With a background in computer engineering and Design Thinking, Ramy has straddled technical, design, and business-oriented roles, for clients including Cadillac Fairview, Apple, Air Canada, Facebook, New Balance, Rogers and CIBC. Ramy is a regular speaker at international events including World Usability Congress, IxDA, FITC, AI Everything, Machine Learning Exchange, AI Business Summit and World Mobile Congress.
Ramy teaches Design Thinking at McMaster University and in the Master's of Engineering, Innovation & Entrepreneurship program at Ryerson University.
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