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Brand Strategy

  • 26 Jan 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


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Brand Strategy is 80% of the marketing battle, and is the foundation for all your marketing initiatives. It encompasses your company and audience persona, and your non-negotiable values. Join Brian Geddes, Owner of Direct Ad Factory as we build from the founder’s vision and frame a Brand Story designed to invoke loyalty and advocates.

After this webinar you will understand;

  • The power of your unique Brand Story and why it is your most powerful marketing weapon and differentiator.
  • The humanization of your Brand. What does your Brand look like as a person? What is the tone of voice, the personality? This is what people will respond to long-term.
  • You do not control your Brand, your clients do. As Marty Neumeier says, "Brand is the gut-feeling your clients have about your brand." You can't control their feelings, you can only hope to help shape their perceptions.

Meet your Presenter

Brian Geddes, Owner of Direct Ad Factory

Brian has been involved with digital marketing for over 20 years. This experience equates into an intimate knowledge of the problems his clients face generating sales and revenue everyday.

The power of story, the absolute necessity for a strong Brand Strategy foundation, and the imperative need for world-class copywriting have been drilled into his psyche.

“Having lived through the exact problems my clients face all these years gives me the ability to design solutions that work in the real world.”

Brian owns Direct Ad Factory in Bridgewater, N.S. It is a full-circle boutique creative agency based on direct response results.

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