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Craft Captivating Social Media Content with Python and the ChatGPT API

  • 20 Feb 2024
  • 10:00 AM


  • An active member of digital nova scotia
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You know social media is a must-have. But creating content is hard. Could you automate it somehow? In this workshop, we'll leverage Python and ChatGPT's AI brilliance to create engaging and effective social media posts. We'll take your raw marketing materials and use Python and ChatGPT APIs to craft an Excel spreadsheet full of schedule-ready posts. Geared for marketing managers, small business owners, and those eager to leverage code and AI to enhance their digital footprint.

Workshop Takeaways:

  • OpenAI API usage (using ChatGPT in code)
  • Basic Python usage
  • Creating a Python application that automates a task (social media marketing)
Meet your presenter...

Elias is the author of Memorable, Profitable, Virtual: How to Run Virtual Conferences, Conventions, and Trade Shows That Create Meaning, Value, and Lasting Connections. A pioneer of digital events, Puurunen has charted the essential must-haves and must-nots for successful virtual events. Find out more at

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